What to Stock Up on for Next Week’s Heatwave
We’ve had a month or so’s respite but now, according to the latest weather reports, another heatwave is on its way and due to hit the UK next week. And even though we’ve yet to experience this next crop of scorching temperatures, if you listen closely enough, you can almost hear the sound of beer bottles being opened, shirts being peeled off and the thwack of a flip-flop against a hot pavement.
But another characteristic of the UK heatwave is the inevitability of absolutely everything you will need in the hot weather being sold out. Because of course, we all like to leave the buying of heatwave essentials to the very last minute. So to avoid disappointment, here are a few suggestions for items you need to stock up on right now so you can chuckle to yourself while you flip your burgers on the barbeque next week. All the while your neighbours will be eyeing-up your grilled meats and chilled drinks in an envious fashion…
Pedestal Fans
Even though there’s always a rush on them every single year, we never seem to have one to hand when we need it. What happens to all those pedestal fans that we buy on an annual basis? Where do we put them? Is there a black hole in everyone’s garage or loft that consumes them as soon as the temperature drops? Anyway, this is irrelevant because the chances of you needing one yet again next week are going be high. You can use Argos voucher codes to save money on a fan that will hopefully last you long than a week this time – just remember where you put it or you’ll be in exactly the same situation again in 2017.
Meat and Marinade
Or perhaps even pre-marinated meat. There’s nothing like an impromptu heatwave barbeque, but the thing about an impromptu barbeque is that you don’t have much preparation time – you need to nip to the supermarket, grab what you need, fire up the coals and get that meat on the grill quick sharpish. However, when you do pay that visit to the supermarket in your T-shirt and shorts next week, there’s a good chance you’ll be met with empty shelves. To avoid this situation, use Sainsburys promo codes to stock up on your prepared meat and readymade marinades right now, because in a heatwave, you don’t want to be faffing around with fiddly recipes. You want to chuck everything in a bowl and get on with enjoying the hot weather.
Fresh Fruit
This forthcoming heatwave could not be more perfectly timed for British seasonal fruit, because there’s nothing like devouring a whole punnet of raspberries in the warm weather when you actually WANT to eat fruit, not when you feel like you have to (which is, let’s be honest, most of the year round). Just don’t go overboard on you might be spending a lot the heatwave with a dodgy belly and no one wants that.
All the Things You Shouldn’t Consume in a Heatwave But Will Anyway
Yes, we all know that you should drink too much alcohol in a heatwave. That you should stick to sitting the shade and sipping your water. That you should cover up and not venture outside during the day. We may know all of this but we’re also self-aware enough to realise that we’re probably going to do the exact opposite. Just as long as we don’t go overboard, right? For all of you who are looking forward to this indulgence, you can use Ocado discount vouchers to save in their Gin Event that running right now, and as you may have deduced, this mainly involves enjoying lots of savings on premium gins. So you might want to stock up on your tonic water and ice while you’re there too.
If you were caught out in the last heatwave, don’t run out of any heatwave essentials during this next one. You’ve had plenty of warning, so there’s no excuse not to be without a cold drink and a chargrilled burger when the temperatures soar.
By Anna Scott, 11th August 2016