Bullying UK
Bullying UK is a part of Family Lives, a charity dedicated to helping parents deal with the changes that are a constant part of family life. Bullying affects children of all ages and backgrounds, and Bullying UK exists to provide support and advice to parents and schools concerned about bullying, as well as to children directly affected by these issues. The charity works to raise awareness of bullying in the UK through media which can be used in schools and youth centres. They also give confidential live online and telephone support services for parents through the parent charity Family Lives. With over three decades of experience in supporting families in all aspects of daily life, the charity works with parents to improve the outcomes for over 1 million children each year by providing accessible, non-judgemental advice. Through a 24-hour hotline, online advice, befriending services and support groups, Family Lives provides support throughout the year, completely free of charge, to anyone who needs it.
This service this charity provides is invaluable, because nobody is safe from bullying and the effects of bullying can often be devastating. If you would like to find out a little more about Bully UK, then you could take a look at their social media pages:
Facebook: Here they share lots of interesting articles about bullying and let you know how you can support them.
Google +: An important source of Bully UK information.
YouTube: Here you will find excellent videos about their cause.
Twitter: Check for a regular stream of updates from Bullying UK.
You might also wish to check their official website, for a deeper view of the work done by Bullying UK. Bullying UK is one of the many charities which have received support from My Favourite Voucher Codes. Every month, 20% of our profits go towards a charity (chosen through our monthly poll) and so every time you use our voucher codes, you are helping charities like Bullying UK.