Help Refugees and Asylum Seekers to Integrate in Society By Voting For Oasis Cardiff in Our March 2019 Charity Poll
Oasis Cardiff is a charity that works with refugees and asylum seekers in Wales. They work hard to offer a warm welcome to the citizens of the world that may have travelled from poverty stricken, disadvantaged and war torn countries. This not for profit organisation recognises the humanity in everyone, and strives to help both refugees and the wider community to better understand and work with one another. Their aim is not simply to provide aid, but to stimulate societal participation from refugees, and acceptance in communities across Cardiff. The team has around 100-150 visitors every day, and they provide ongoing support to a number of people in Cardiff. Among those visitors are people from super diverse and multicultural backgrounds. People from Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran and Sudan are provided with help and support with their integration into society. Oasis Cardiff give the marginalised and often mistreated members of society a safe place to relax, socialise and learn. Many of the people who attend the centre have made life long friends there.
What Does This Charity Provide Marginalised Refugees With?
Oasis Cardiff offer a range of workshops and classes to refugees and asylum seekers. They offer courses in English language, art classes, socials and workshops to these people in order to give them a good understanding of their new community. They offer a lot of exclusive classes and workshops to refugee women, who have often suffered through some kind of trauma. The informative and inclusive nature of these workshops allow women to socialise and express themselves, and this has a positive therapeutic effect.
They also do a free weekly lunch that gives these people the opportunity to eat nice food while socialising with people from diverse and far ranging backgrounds. The individuals in the groups can exchange stories and offer advice to one another. The aim of this is to help refugees and asylum seekers to integrate better with our community. They want these people to work, socialise and integrate in society.
With regular events and refugee inclusion in the production of a monthly ‘Supper Club’, it is easy to see how much good this charity is doing. By offering support to refugees and asylum seekers, Oasis Cardiff aim to break down the barriers and offer up a place of relaxation and refuge. The small team are often busy arranging and supporting their clients, and they are working hard to raise the vital funds that they need to keep their initiative working.
How Can You Support Oasis Cardiff?
If you would like to support Oasis Cardiff in their mission to foster an environment of inclusion for refugees, then cast a vote for them in our 2019 charity poll. It only takes a moment to vote and you can do so on the right hand side of our site.
If Oasis Cardiff win the donation, then the money will no doubt be put towards their mission to help integrate asylum seekers into society, while simultaneously working to give them the support that they need to overcome potentially traumatic past life events.
So cast your vote now and show your support for this Cardiff based charity...