Get to Know RWAF and Provide a Better life for Rabbits By Simply Casting a Vote
Who Are RWAF?
The RWAF was founded in 1996 with an aim to improve domestic rabbit lives in the UK. Rabbit Welfare association and its charity partner the Rabbit Welfare Fund have been ensuring the positive change happens by providing education and communication to those who are looking to become bunny owners, or those who already are. With every conversation, they are ensuring that more and more people understand and realise that rabbits not only need exercise, space and companionship, but also that they are intelligent animals in need of stimulation.
What Are RWAF Looking To Achieve?
Did you know that rabbits are the third most popular pets in Britain? They are also one of the most neglected, and unfortunately still are victims of being bought on a whim. These rabbits often live in small huts, without having the exercise they need day to day. A large proportion end up being unwanted and therefore either even more neglected or are discarded onto rescue centres which are already beyond full capacity. Most cases of cruelty and neglect towards rabbits are out of ignorance; people often don't realise they are doing anything wrong because they haven't done enough research into rabbit care and wellbeing before choosing to buy a pet rabbit. RWAF are actively working to change this and ensure that potential rabbit owners have all the information they need to keep a bunny at home appropriately. They are also working on campaigns and educating current rabbit owners so they can have a more fulfilled life as domestic animals.
As well as being an animal welfare agency, the RWAF also offers subscribers the support needed to give their rabbits the best lives possible and have a huge wealth of experience to share with owners, the veterinary profession and rescues.
We firmly believe that Rabbits Deserve Better! Vote for RWAF in the Charity Poll and help to create better lives for domestic rabbits.
For More information or to donate, please visit the RWAF website here: