Home-Start Bury
Raising a family is a challenging task. Raising a family with one or more of the following issues makes that task all the more difficult. Home-Start Bury supports families who are tackling issues such as:
Poverty and debt issues
Social isolation
Multiple birth, Post- natal Depression
Mental and physical health issues
Chaotic/poor housing, Asylum/Refugee
Poor parenting skills/challenging behaviour
Volunteers are recruited, trained and then specifically matched to a family requiring support. Volunteers all have parenting experience and have often dealt with the same circumstances that the family are going through. This means that the volunteer can relate to the family and can sensitively offer advice and support during their weekly visits.
Tailored to each individual family needs, support could involve parenting advice, our volunteer modelling behaviour/play/cooking skills and hands on practical support. We also offer a friendly sympathetic ear for emotional support. Not only that but signposting families to local services, assisting them in accessing these services
Home-Start Bury is determined to continue to provide the vital support which has been shown to achieve positive outcomes for families We stay true to our belief that children need a happy and secure childhood and that parents play a key role in giving their children a good start in life so that they can achieve their potential. For more information about the work Home-Start Bury please visit: www.homestartbury.org