How Your Vote Can Help SANE Mental Health Charity
SANE is a small but well-known national charity working to improve the lives of people facing mental ill-health all over the UK. The organisation was established over 30 years ago by our founder and CEO Marjorie Wallace CBE following the overwhelming public response to a series of articles she wrote entitled ‘The Forgotten Illness’ which were published in The Times. The charity has three main objectives:
Firstly, we seek to raise awareness and combat stigma about mental illness and campaign to improve mental health services. Our campaigning involves our CEO appearing in the press and broadcast media to influence policy and services. Our awareness-raising efforts are complemented by our Black Dog Campaign in which a group of volunteers tour schools, universities and workplaces encouraging people to talk about mental health.
Secondly, we provide frontline services to ease the burden upon people with mental health problems, their families and carers. We offer a holistic programme of support which not only affords beneficiaries somewhere to turn in a crisis through our helpline, SANEline, but also enables them to gain the ongoing support they need to stop that crisis recurring through our programmes of telephone counselling and text-message-based support.
Finally, we promote and host research into the causes of, and more effective treatments for, serious mental illness at our flagship Prince of Wales International Centre for SANE Research located at Warneford Hospital in Oxford.
SANE receives no statutory or government funding. The continuance and growth of our invaluable work is entirely reliant upon the kindness and generosity of the individuals, companies and charitable trusts who support us