Voucher Codes in History & the Modern Day
The rise of online voucher codes has been immense. In the past few years retailers have been offering discounts to their customers in a string of letters and numbers, known as a discount code or promo code.
The History Revealed
In the past, coupons were only available if you spent the time searching through newspapers, magazines, and cereal boxes and snipping them out. Now, one visit to My Favourite Voucher Codes and you have thousands of savings at your fingertips.
Vouchers and coupons all began with Coca Cola in 1887, when it started offering handwritten tokens entitling customers to a free glass of its now-famous fizzy cola drink. The campaign was so successful that in the two decades up to 1913, 8.5 million freebies were given away.
Since then the voucher has been considered a valuable marketing tool. During the Great Depression coupons became even more popular as families scrimped and scraped their way through life.
Discount Codes In The Modern World
However, it was until the early 1990s that coupon usage peaked at a whopping 7.9 billion.
The following years weren’t quite as successful, with usage slumping once again. That was until 2008 when the recession hit and families were looking for new ways to save. That, combined with the increased use of the internet made online discount codes a big hit.
Halifax Home Insurance found that a fifth of people in the UK refuse to pay the marked price for products. Whether shopping for groceries, financial products, or even a meal in a restaurant, people now expect to make a saving.
Discount codes websites started popping up left, right, and centre. My Favourite Voucher Codes launched in 2012 with the aim of helping consumers save cash, while doing something good at the same time.
Save Money and Help Good Causes with Our Promo Codes!
As such, we give away 20% of our net profits to a different charity every single month. What better way to save than by helping others?
Since launching just over two years ago, we have donated over £6,500 to charitable organisations, from well-recognised charities such as NSPCC and Oxfam, to much smaller, but equally important ones, like ADAPT and DEBRA.
If you would like to get involved with supporting these good causes, all you have to do is visit our site search for your preferred retailer, click through to the website and make the purchase as normal.
We have even developed an app to alert you every time you browse a website where we could offer you a saving, so you’ll never miss out.
Some of our top promo codes include Debenhams, Sainsbury's and Joules.
By Jemma Porter, 5th June 2014