BrightMinds Voucher Codes 2025
The words ‘fun’ and ‘educational’ don’t usually go hand in hand. But our BrightMinds voucher codes have them both covered with savings on developmental toys that help your kids learn whilst providing hours of entertainment. Many of the toys sourced by this retailer can’t be found in your average high street toys shop, with their carefully curated range of educational toys and books being truly unique. Take advantage of their expertise as well as the latest offers and price cuts available.
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Help Educate Your Child With Toys & Study Resources Using BrightMinds Discount Vouchers
Simply browse our current selection of BrightMinds discount codes and click to see how you can save. Buy science kits, arts and crafts products, puzzles and revision guides for starters. The one thing they all have in common is an educational or developmental quality. Whether you’re buying for babies or teenagers, this great retailer can help you select the perfect toy or book. BrightMinds promo codes could also get you a discount on items like fashion design kits, metal detectors, puppet theatres and remote-control toys. There really is something for everyone with the added reassurance that whatever you choose, it will be helping your child’s development.
An Online School with Extra Savings
Birthday Club Savings: Before your kids’ birthdays strike, this retailer has set up a unique service to make sure you don’t miss out on any extra savings. Joining their Birthday Club means you can register the details of up to 4 children and they will then send you details of special offers and promotions in the lead up to the big day.
More Special Offers: For those who need to make a quick purchase, we highly recommend you view their offers page before you go anywhere else. Get toys at reduced prices, sometimes by up to 50% of the original cost.
Save Money on Revision Aids: There’s no getting away from the fact that exam season is a very stressful time, but there are ways you can help. Many parents are tempted to spend money on extra tuition. Before you take that step, why not stock up on revision guides? They have a large choice of GCSE revision books, as well as resources for KS1 and 2 tests.
Delivery Information
There are a number of different delivery options available depending on what you choose to order; standard delivery is priced between £2.95 and £4.95 depending on the weight of your items, or for faster delivery you can use their UK 24 Hour service (£9.95) or UK 48 Hour service (£7.95). Please note there will be additional charges for some island locations. They have a 90 day returns policy where you can send back your items within this time period for a refund as long as they are still in a resalable condition.
Contact the Staff
Their customer services can be easily reached on 01904 202240 or by writing to or BrightMinds Ltd, Suite 8, Westfield Court, Radstock, Somerset, BA3 4XD.