Vote For Anti-Bullying Alliance to Support People Suffering From Bullying in the UK
The Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) is a specialist membership organisation based at the National Children’s Bureau and it comprises of more than 140 members from across the anti-bullying sector and beyond. The organisation aims to bring the anti-bullying sector together to unite against bullying. They work to ensure that every child has the opportunity to grow up without the fear of being bullied. Children and young people’s voices inform all the work of the Anti-Bullying Alliance.
ABA’s work involves policy and influencing, practice improvement and programmes, and campaign work. ABA also organises the largest anti-bullying campaign in the UK, Anti-Bullying Week each year. For November 2018 the campaign theme is ‘Choose Respect’ which is all about showing that bullying is a behaviour choice. It shows that children and adults can set a good example by choosing to respect one another’s difference or to ‘agree to disagree’ with another person’s views without it getting personal which could potentially lead to bullying.
The ABA is only a small team. We are always enormously grateful for any funds received that helps us to continue our campaign to stop bullying. That’s why ABA has teamed up with My Favourite Voucher Codes to be in with the chance of becoming their charity of the month. We could win 20% of their profits for the month of November. Please vote!
Anti-Bullying week is taking place this 12th to the 16th November. This is in order to help raise awareness for the negative effects of bullying. Taking part in the My Favourite Voucher Code's charity poll is a great way that you can get involved. Plus you get to show your support for free. Make sure you have your say this month by voting for the Anti-Bullying Alliance. This means that they could be in with the chance of winning 20% of My Favourite Voucher Codes' profits for November!