Van Mildert Voucher Codes 2025
This prestigious retailer began as a boutique fashion store in historic Durham. But now Van Mildert voucher codes offer customers all over the country a taste of their designer selections as well as some rather attractive prices. With their brand stock including Calvin Klein, Vivienne Westwood and Ted Baker. Our Van Mildert discount vouchers ensure their designer expertise costs less. Given many awards for their fashion credentials, Van Mildert promo codes are a way we can all benefit from their great prices on big fashion names and must-have garments and accessories.
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Top Money Saving Van Mildert Hints & Tips
Fashion for All: Here you can save on not only their fine selection of women’s designer clothing but also menswear and kidswear too. Our Van Mildert discount codes let you access further discounts on all of their current sale items. As well as give you additional savings, both via our codes and with exclusive offers once you sign up to their newsletter.
Brands: Perhaps the most important question you’ll have when it comes to any boutique fashion retailer is ‘what brands do they stock?’ Womenswear favourites include Marc Jacobs, Polo Ralph Lauren, Armani Jeans and Ugg. Their menswear selection is more than catered for by Paul Smith, Hugo Boss, Stone Island and Kenzo, plus many others. And let’s not forget about the kids, so if you think they deserve a treat, see if our money off deals can save you money on some smaller Timberland, Diesel and Mini Melissa items.
VM Life: Their Blog is full of not only the latest fashion news with stylish new additions you can save on, but also pieces about the best flavours of ice cream, art exhibitions and film and book reviews!
Can You Save On Delivery At Van Mildert?
This fashion retailer likes to keep their UK deliveries as streamlined as possible, and with their Standard UK Delivery, you pay a flat rate of £5.99, with your order delivered within 3 to 5 working days. However, if you check in with our page before you place your order, it’s possible there might be a free delivery deal available too. Once you order your items, you can also track them via your online account if you check the "Order History" tab. If you wish to return any of your purchases, you can return any of your online purchases along with the returns form an invoice to their Returns Address. Any personalised items are not able to be returned.
Contact Details for Van Mildert
If you have a query regarding an existing order or want to ask a question before you place your new order using any of our discount codes, then you can email them at, or alternatively, write to them using the following address: Van Mildert, Martland Park, Challenge Way, Wigan, WN5 0LD.