RoseGal Voucher Codes 2025
Online fashion shoppers are always on the lookout for a new retailer that can add a breath of fresh air to their wardrobes. With RoseGal voucher codes we might have just found another one for you. They may be based overseas, but this company, which takes inspiration from both vintage and contemporary trends, ships worldwide so UK fashionistas can enjoy their selection too. There’s really not that much you can't buy right here. Because they manages to successfully balance its many different influences.
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Find Your Vintage Look with RoseGal Discount Codes
RoseGal takes its cue from not only the latest catwalk trends but also those vintage looks that many love right now. The company was started by a group of friends who wanted garments and accessories that reflected these past fashions but still managed to offer something new. But not only that, they wanted these items to be for everybody, and this led to them putting just as much emphasis on their plus size range as they do the rest of their offerings. On their homepage you will not only find the usual fashion categories that you see on most retailer sites, but there are also standalone sections on swimwear and jewellery as well as a special hair page selling a wide choice of extensions and wigs – perfect if you’re looking for the finishing touch for that vintage outfit.
And talking of vintage, our RoseGal discount vouchers have got it in spades. Not only in the way vintage inspiration permeates their entire range. But in separate vintage-look pieces too. They’ve divided up their selection into different styles of vintage dress. There is also a special page for plus size vintage dresses too. But like we said before, the vintage available with RoseGal promo codes isn’t just limited to their vintage pages. Much of their womenswear range has a certain vintage twist. With the inclusion of A-line skirts, cut-off 70s-style denim, ruffles a-plenty and the odd flared trouser or two. Ideal if you’re trying to put together a summery boho look without the steep prices.
No vintage-look outfit is complete without the right accessories. And once you’ve found your perfect dress or other garment, there’s really no need to visit another site to find those extras. Not with our Rosegal discount codes.. This retailer has dedicated accessories and jewellery pages. They contain everything from body jewellery to vintage rings. If you fancy something a bit more up to date, you can also purchase baseball caps. Some very much on-trend ear cuffs or just a simple beach bag for everyday use.
Delivery and Returns Information for RoseGal
This retailer ships to nearly every country across the globe. When making your order you have a choice of timescale. Flat Rate Shipping (7-25 working days), Standard Shipping (6-8 working days) and Expedited Shipping (3-7 working days). The time it takes to arrive and the shipping costs will depend on your individual location. If you have a faulty or damaged item, or if your garment is not the size you ordered. You can return it to the retailer within 30 days of receipt. Contact their customer services in the first instance and if you qualify for a return. They will send you further instructions. Unfortunately sale items, swimwear, lingerie and earrings cannot be returned.
Contact the Customer Services Team
If you have a question prior to ordering, there are a number of ways to get in touch. The best method is either via the Live Chat function on their site or by using Facebook messenger. For lengthier queries, there is also an online support centre where you can fill out a form and wait for a reply from their team via email. If you’d rather speak to a representative, their helpline can be reached on 001 888 320 8188.